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Monday, July 20, 2020

Updating build status for commits

Developers can integrate third-party build servers with Bitbucket Server using the Build REST API.
By posting build results to a REST end-point in Bitbucket Server, build servers can store and update the build status of a commit. Bitbucket Server keeps a running tally of which builds have passed and failed for each commit and displays build results in the UI.
The examples below use cURL, a cross-platform command-line utility for transferring data over a variety of protocols. In real life you can use any programming language or tool capable of making an HTTP request to integrate with the build integration API.

Adding a build result to a commit

To associate a build result with a particular commit, you need to POST a JSON object to the build status REST resource at:
1 https://<bitbucket-base-url>/rest/build-status/1.0/commits/<commit-hash>
The format of the JSON object that should be used as the request body is:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 { "state": "<INPROGRESS|SUCCESSFUL|FAILED>", "key": "<build-key>", "name": "<build-name>", "url": "<build-url>", "description": "<build-description>" }
The statekey and url fields are required. The name and description fields are optional, but if present will be displayed to users in the UI.
The state refers to the current state of the build that is the subject of the request:
  • INPROGRESS indicates that a new build targeting the specified commit has started.
  • SUCCESSFUL indicates that a build targeting the specified commit has completed successfully.
  • FAILED indicates that a build targeting the specified commit has failed.
See Updating Build Results for more about states.
Note that the request doesn't specify a repository. This is because the same build information will be shared across all repositories containing the targeted commit. In practice this means forks of the same repository stored in Bitbucket Server will all display the same build information for common commits.

Multiple builds

If a single commit was built by multiple build plans, you can POST multiple results for the same commit. Each result must have a different key attribute.

Updating build results

Bitbucket Server stores one build result for each key per commit, so you can update a previous build result by sending a request with:
  • the same commit hash; and
  • the same key attribute.
The new result will replace the previously submitted build result for that commit hash and key.
This is useful for transitioning a particular build result from INPROGRESS to SUCCESSFUL when a build completes, or for replacing a FAILED build result with SUCCESSFUL one if a build is re-built at the same commit.
Note that a build result doesn't necessarily have to be submitted as INPROGRESS before being submitted as SUCCESSFUL or FAILED.

Viewing build results

The build status for a particular commit is visible in:
  • the commit list view, for any repositories containing the commit;
  • the pull request header, for any pull request where the commit is the head of the branch to merge; and
  • the metadata section of the commit page.
You can also retrieve build status information and individual build results for commits using the GET methods on the Build REST API.


In the example, we'll make three requests to the build integration API, each supplying a new build result for a particular commit. This simulates a simple project with three different builds targeting building the same commit from a repository. These could be a unit test build, an integration test build and a database matrix build (for example).

One green build

The following curl command will add a build to the commit 9e72f04322c4a1f240e0b3158c67c3c19cdd16e7:
1 curl -u username:password -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:7990/bitbucket/rest/build-status/1.0/commits/9e72f04322c4a1f240e0b3158c67c3c19cdd16e7 -d @build0.json
Where build0.json contains:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 { "state": "SUCCESSFUL", "key": "REPO-MASTER", "name": "REPO-MASTER-42", "url": "", "description": "Changes by John Doe" }
If you're trying the examples above, note that you'll need to change the hash to one that references a commit in one of your repositories.
The result is that one successful build is associated with that commit. On the commit page you should now see a Builds section with 1 build and a green check mark, like this:
One Green Build

Two green builds

Posting a second successful build result to the same URL will update the commit's build status to include two successful builds.
1 curl -u username:password -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:7990/bitbucket/rest/build-status/1.0/commits/9e72f04322c4a1f240e0b3158c67c3c19cdd16e7 -d @build1.json
Where build1.json contains:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 { "state": "SUCCESSFUL", "key": "REPO-MASTER-INTEGRATION", "name": "REPO-MASTER-INTEGRATION-17", "url": "", "description": "Changes by John Doe" }
This updates the build status shown in the UI:
Two Green Builds
Sweet! Two successful builds. But wait..

Oh no! A red build

Posting a failed build result to the same URL will update the commit's build status to failed.
1 curl -u username:password -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:7990/bitbucket/rest/build-status/1.0/commits/9e72f04322c4a1f240e0b3158c67c3c19cdd16e7 -d @build2.json
Where build2.json contains:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 { "state": "FAILED", "key": "REPO-MASTER-DAO", "name": "REPO-MASTER-DAO-33", "url": "", "description": "Changes by John Doe" }
This updates the build status shown in the UI to indicate that there is at least one failing build:
One Green Build
Clicking on the build status link in the UI will display a list of all builds associated with the commit. It looks like this:
One Green Build
Note that the name and description fields from the posted JSON objects for each build result are being displayed to the user. The name of each build is linked to the provided url.

False alarm, it's green now

Perhaps that build failed due to some infrastructure issue. Let's pretend that the build has been re-run and a new successful result has been posted to our commit's build status URL:
1 curl -u username:password -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:7990/bitbucket/rest/build-status/1.0/commits/9e72f04322c4a1f240e0b3158c67c3c19cdd16e7 -d @build3.json
Where build3.json contains:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 { "state": "SUCCESSFUL", "key": "REPO-MASTER-DAO", "name": "REPO-MASTER-DAO-34", "url": "", "description": "Re-run by Sys Admin" }
Since this update has the same key as the previously failing build result, it overwrites it. This updates the UI, showing users that there are now three passing builds:
One Green Build

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