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Sunday, July 19, 2020

String Class

What is String ?

A String  is a sequence of characters. In the case of the char it contain a Single character only( regular character  or Unicode character).

A String can contains a sequence of characters. A large number of characters. Technically it's limited  by memory or the MAX_VALUE of an int which was 2.14 Billion. That's a lot of characters.

Note: String in java are immutable. That is you can't change a String after it's created. Instead  , what happens is a new String is creatd.


public class MainString {
public static void main(String[] args) {

String myName = "My Name is Pankaj";
System.out.println("My String Name is equal to " + myName);
myName = myName + ", and this is More";
System.out.println("My String Name is equal to " + myName);
myName = myName + " \u00A9 2020";
System.out.println("My String Name is equal to " + myName);
String numer = "280.30";
numer = numer + " 56.75";
String lastStr = "560";
int myInt = 900;
lastStr = lastStr + myInt;

double doubleNum = 123.67d;
lastStr = lastStr + doubleNum;

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