1. Serialization of object in java??
2. What is the use of @Resource annotation?
Helps us to import and get access the external resource file.
3. What is Entity Class?
Ans--> An Entity class is a Class which depicted the database table. And the name of variable should be exactically same as db table columns.
4. What does getContextPath do??
getContextPath() method return base URL.
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
HttpSession session = request.getSession();
String pathadd = request.getContextPath();
String userid = ((UserInfoBean) session.getAttribute("user"))
String stockId = request.getParameter("stockid");
String tradeNumber = request.getParameter("tradeNumber");
String tradePrice = request.getParameter("tradePrice");
5. What is HQL, And how it works?
Note: HQL Query is not case Sensitive.
6. What is hibernate dialect?
7. What is Dependency Injection? and IOC ?
8. What is Autowiring ?
What is Bean: Nean is a Object created by Spring.
9.@Autowire, @Qualifier, @Comoponent, @ComoponentScan,@Requesparam,
@Size,@Valid,@Config , @Bean, @Path,@Produces,@PathParam,@Consumes,
@Entity Note: Default Entity name will be Class name using PASCAL case.
@Table, @ID,@Column,@XmlRootElement,@joinColumn,@@ManyToOne(targetEntity="Address")
@QueryParam,@headerparam,@cookieparam,@GeneratedValue(), @Transient: is
used to stop the Hibernate to mape that field it with column into DB.
What is Model is Spring??
What is addAttribute() in Model class odf Spring?
What is ModelAndViw class in Spring ?
Diff between Model And ModeAndViwe Class in Spring?
BindingResult Class??
10. Construction Injection?
11. Spring mvc Project understanding. Ref: spring.io (51 Full stack)
Model is nothing but data element.
By taking help of model we transfer the data to different controller or to the view.
12. What is web.xl?
Web.xml is the easiest way to config to start with.
13. What is Spring Form Elements? Official doc with Example.
14. What is Spring Form taglib ?
15. TextArea, CheckBox implementation in Java+ Servlet?
Note:- Extention is not required for load Resourse in Servlet.
16. Hibernate Validator Implementation?
17. What is ModelMap?
18. Validation Rule in Java?
19. Methods of Mapping?
a. Xml mapping(Legacy)
b. Annotation mapping(Modern And Preferred Way)
20. Xml Bean Configuration?
21. what is usessl in Springboot ?
22. What iS @ExceptionHandler?
23. @ControllerAdvice?
24. Pagination in Hbernate ?
25. How to Read Header,and Cookie?
26. What is @Context?
Ans--> Context represent entire environment of the App.
27. What is uriinfo in spring boot and Java?
28. How to sending custom status code ?
29. location header in response?
30. uribuilder ??
31.What is Model ?
Model is POJO object, used for carry data.
Note: Entity class is also used for carrying data, Infect Entity is nothing but Model.
or Mapper Classes.
32. How to implement exception mapper??
33. @Provider: Provider annotation will register that class as a Mapper.
34. what is HATEOAS ?
ANS -- > HATEOAS used to provide additional link along with response, so that it
is easy for user to navigatre through the Application.
35. @applicationpath??
36. MessageBodyWriter and MessageBodyReader??
MesageBodyWriter and MesageBodyReader is the Heart of Rest Api.
37. @Singleton ?? @paramconverter ,@
38. What is client And ClientBuilde??
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